A Self-identified Psychic Recently Shared his Prophecy for the Year 2025

A psychic named Nicolas Aujula, a 38-year-old from South London who is known for allegedly foreseeing the Covid pandemic, has recently revealed a series of unsettling prophecies for the year 2025. Among the predictions he made are potential reconciliations within the royal family as well as an alarming warning about the possibility of World War III. Additionally, Aujula anticipates that Sir Keir Starmer will resign from his position.
A self-identified psychic who asserts he predicted the emergence of Covid-19 has recently shared his forecasts for the year 2025, which include a potential reconciliation between Princes William and Harry, along with a grave warning about the possibility of a third world war.
Nicolas Aujula, a 38-year-old regression therapist and hypnotherapist residing in south London, anticipates not only a resignation from the current prime minister but also significant advancements in the field of lab-grown organs. He claims that he first became aware of his psychic abilities at the age of 17, when he began experiencing visions related to his multiple "past lives"—including roles as a "seamstress in China" and "a nun in the Himalayas."
Since that pivotal moment, Nicolas has made several predictions that he believes have come to fruition, including the Covid-19 outbreak and the Black Lives Matter movement. Looking ahead to 2024, he foresees Donald Trump reclaiming the presidency in the United States and a pronounced increase in artificial intelligence, both of which he asserts have already occurred. He finds these accurate predictions to be a source of personal validation.
For the upcoming year, 2025, Nicolas expects to see notable achievements for women in sports, a large-scale concert featuring artists fundraising for those in need, and strides toward greater equality in the workplace. Nonetheless, he is not optimistic about the broader future, forecasting sluggish economic growth in the UK, alongside potential agricultural closures, corporate bankruptcies, businesses relocating abroad, and a decline for Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer.
Despite these ominous predictions, Nicolas expresses a sense of reassurance, stating that he feels "no fear." He encourages others to embrace their intuition, believing that everyone possesses psychic capabilities when they quieten their minds. He stated, "My visions are not something I can control. Sometimes they play out like a movie, allowing me to see what happens next, but often they're laden with symbolism that needs deciphering to reveal their deeper meaning. These insights typically manifest as fleeting moments, lasting just a few seconds before moving on."
Nicolas claims his successful predictions include notable events such as Covid-19, the televised interview between Harry and Meghan with Oprah, the Black Lives Matter protests, and the fire at Notre Dame Cathedral. Last New Year's, he projected that Trump would win the US election and that Tesco would implement robot security guards—both of which he says have materialized.
He describes his initial realization of his psychic talents as a defining moment in his teenage years, during which he felt transported into a trance and experienced visions of past incarnations. "At that time, I saw myself as various figures—a queen in ancient Egypt, a seamstress in China, a nun in the Himalayas, a witch doctor in Africa, a revolutionary, even a lion—all of these diverse experiences contribute to who I am today," he explained.
These revelations caused a significant shift in his life philosophy, leading him to understand that death is not an endpoint but rather a transition, and that our souls are eternal, allowing us to reincarnate for new experiences. This epiphany motivated him to forgo further academic studies and pursue a career as a regression therapist, aiming to help others uncover their past lives.
Nicolas reports that he receives future forecasts through dreams, symbols, or an inner voice. He notes that several of his predictions for this year have come to pass, including Spain's triumph at the European Football Championship and the introduction of robot security guards at supermarkets like Tesco.
Turning to the realm of celebrities, he predicts a complex year ahead. "Katy Perry is likely to face marital challenges in 2025, while Cate Blanchett will shine with a successful year ahead," he shared. "I envision her winning numerous awards for her performances."
Concerning the British Royal Family, Nicolas has a positive outlook for 2025, including a potential reconciliation between Prince Harry and Prince William. He also sees improvement in the health of King Charles, anticipating a public announcement regarding this development. He concluded, "I foresee that Prince William and Harry will reconnect and meet in person, with photographs of their reunion making headlines."